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In Their Memory

 In the memory of my late wife Tzipora Oren

 In the memory of my late wife Tzipora Oren

The family of cantor Gavriel N. Oren

Mrs. Aliza Ester (Lax) Reisman

Mrs. Aliza Ester (Lax) Reisman

My dear mother, Grandmother & Great Grandmother

Hunrery Budapest - Israel Holocaust survivor - Bergen blezen

נפ’ כ”ב בניסן ה’תש”ע

(10.06.1923 - 06.04.2010)

Mr. Gad Lax

Mr. Gad Lax

Father, Grandfather & Great Grandfather
Hunrery Budapest - Israel Holocaust survivor - Awshvitz
נפ’ ז' באייר ה’תשע”א
(30.03.1921 - 11.05.2011)

Mrs. Beyla Berta Reisman-Kline

Mrs. Beyla Berta Reisman-Kline

Grandmother & Great Grandmother

Romaniya - Hunrery - Israel Holocaust survivor

נפ’ י”ב במנחם-אב ה’תשמ”ח


Rb’ Ben-Tziyon Vintze Reisman 

Rb’ Ben-Tziyon Vintze Reisman 

Grandfather. the son of Etel Estar Goldenberg and Rb’ Nachum Jakob Reismann

Russia - Hungary - Israel

Holocaust survivor

נפ’ ג’ בטבת ה’תש”ל 12.12.1969

Mrs. Gitel Katalin Kline - Fridman

Mrs. Gitel Katalin Kline - Fridman

Romaniya - Hungary Great Grandmother Mother of Grandmother Beyla Berta Reisman

Rabbi Meir Yehuda Kline

Rabbi Meir Yehuda Kline

Romaniya - Hungary Great Gradfather Father of Grandmother Beyla Berta Reisman

Mrs. Gitel Katalin Kline - Fridman

Mrs. Gitel Katalin Kline - Fridman

Romaniya - Hungary Great Grandmother Mother of Grandmother Beyla Berta Reisman

For a Perpetual Memorial in g-d's Sanctuary
For the holy martyrs of the Holocaust

Yellow badge

The family of cantor Gavriel N. Oern

Magda Mattele Reisman​

Aunt Magda Mattele Reisman​

Budapest -Bergen blezen

Berta Lax - Vashko

Grandmother Berta Lax - Vashko
Budapest - Awshvitz

Nandor Itzchak Lax

Grandfather Nandor Itzchak Lax
Budapest - Awshvitz

candle in their memory

The Family of:

Reisman Kline Fridman Lax & Washko their W ifes & children Hungary, Romaniya, Poland- Awshvitz, Bergen Belzen

The Vicroty

The Great-grandson Adir Ben-tzyon Oren

A graduate of Yeshiva Bnei Akiva Ra'anana- Israel With an Israeli flag At Auschwitz

Adir Ben-tzyon Oren
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